When to Transition from a Crib to Toddler Bed?

When to Transition from a Crib to Toddler Bed?

Your little one is gradually growing, and eventually, it's time to say goodbye to the cradle and welcome the exciting world of the crib. Transitioning from a cradle to a crib is an important step in your child's development and independence. In this article, we'll look at the signs that indicate your little one is ready for a toddler bed and help you make the transition smoothly and confidently.

Signs that Your Toddler is Ready for a Big-Kid Bed

As a rule, babies begin to show readiness for a children's bed between 18 months and 3 years. However, it is important to remember that every child is unique, so age should not be the only factor determining readiness. Instead, observe your child's physical and behavioral signs to gauge their readiness accurately.

Physical signs of readiness to leave the cradle

  • Your child's ability to climb over crib rails,

  • The baby becomes too tall for the newborn sleeping bed;

  • The child shows a strong desire to explore the boundaries of the crib.

These signs indicate that a children's wigwam bed, a Montessori floor bed, or a model with sturdy rails may better fit your little adventurer.

Behavioral factors

Carefully observe the following signs in the behavior of the baby:

  • Increased restlessness during sleep,

  • Attempts to escape from the crib bed,

  • Showing interest in older siblings or friends who have moved to a bed for a big child.

This behavior shows a growing sense of independence and may mean your child is ready to embrace the freedom a toddler bed can offer.

By paying close attention to these physical and behavioral signs, you can better determine when the time is right to transition from a crib to a toddler bed. Remember that every child develops at their own pace, so trust your instincts and follow your baby's cues.

What's next? How should parents act when the baby is ready to leave the cradle and move to a regular children's bed?

When you decide your little one is ready for a big crib, ensuring a safe and comfortable transition is important. Consider investing in a sturdy toddler bed with rounded corners and a guardrail to prevent any accidental falls. Involve your child in decision-making by letting them choose new bedding or their favorite themed bed frame. This, for example, can be a bed with side shelves made of clouds or a bed with a headboard in the form of a house. Allowing babies to choose independently makes them as involved as possible in the process and improves their perception of the new sleeping environment.

Benefits of a Toddler Bed

The transition to a Montessori crib brings a number of benefits for both your child's development and safety.

  1. Transitioning to a toddler bed can positively impact your child's development in several ways. Firstly, it fosters a sense of independence and independence. Sleeping in a bed designed specifically for their age group helps them develop a greater sense of ownership of their sleeping space, promoting self-confidence and self-esteem.

  2. Children's beds are designed with safety in mind. Unlike newborn sleep beds with higher rails, cribs have lower sides or safety rails that provide a safe and secure sleeping environment while allowing your child to get in and out of bed easily. This accessibility reduces the risk of accidental falls and helps your child feel more comfortable and confident when transitioning to a larger sleeping space.

  3. As your baby grows, he needs space to stretch, roll over and explore different sleeping positions. Children's beds provide enough space for your child to move around, contributing to a restful sleep. This extra room can also accommodate pillows, blankets, and stuffed animals, creating a cozy and inviting sleeping environment.

  4. Another advantage of switching to a children's bed is increased accessibility. Unlike cots with high sides, Montessori beds are lower, allowing your child to easily climb in and out. This accessibility encourages independence and allows your child to control their sleep routine. It also makes potty training more straightforward, as your child can easily use the bath at night.

Transitioning from a Montessori newborn sleep to a toddler bed has many benefits for your baby's development and overall well-being. From promoting independence and increasing safety to providing more space and easy access, a children's bed creates the conditions for comfortable and healthy sleep.

The Best Tips for Transitioning to a Toddler Bed

The most important rule is to create a positive association with future changes. To do this, you need to talk with the baby, read books or watch videos that show positive impressions of children's beds. Here are some more important points:

  • Let your child explore and familiarize themselves with their new toddler bed. Invite them to touch and feel the bed, choose the bedding, and involve them in arranging the sleeping area. Such participation will create a sense of ownership and make the bed cozier and more comfortable.

  • It is significant to maintain a consistent sleep routine during the transition. Follow familiar rituals like reading a story, brushing your teeth, and cuddling before bed. This procedure will give your child a sense of security and stability, helping them adapt to their new sleeping environment.

  • Add things from his crib to the new sleeping place to make the child's bed cozy and familiar. It can be their favorite stuffed animal, blanket, or pillow; these familiar items will provide comfort and make the transition smoother.

  • Let your child know what is expected of them and reinforce the idea that the bed is a safe place to sleep. If your child gets out of bed, calmly take him back without resorting to long conversations or negotiations.

  • Be patient and supportive. Expect some resistance or reluctance during the transition. Your baby may be testing boundaries or wanting to return to their crib. Be patient, supportive, and understanding. Reassure them and remind them of their new big-kid status. Encourage and celebrate their successes, no matter how small.

  • Some children may experience night terrors or anxiety during the transition. Calm the little one using a night light or leaving the bedroom door slightly ajar. Create a soothing bedtime routine that helps your child feel protected and relaxed.

  • Consistency is key when transitioning. Stick to the new sleep routine, even if your baby resists or has a few difficult nights. Over time, your child will get used to the changes and feel more comfortable.


Remember, every child is unique, so be flexible and adapt these tips to your child's needs.

Priority First: Safety Considerations for Toddler Beds

Cribs offer independence, but it is crucial to consider some safety considerations.

  • Strong construction. Choose a children's bed that meets safety standards and is made of durable materials. Ensure it has a strong frame, secure connections, and no sharp edges or protrusions that could pose a risk of injury to your child. Choosing a bed designed specifically for toddlers is essential, as they may have crevices or structures that are dangerous for small children.

  • Side rails to prevent accidental rolling during sleep. Choose a children's bed with built-in rails. These safety barriers help prevent accidental falls while sleeping, providing a safe environment for your baby.

  • The right mattress size. Ensure the mattress fits snugly against the bed frame, leaving no gaps between the mattress and the edges of the bed. This will help prevent your child from becoming trapped or injured through any openings. A properly selected mattress provides a safe and comfortable sleeping surface.

  • Avoid using loose bedding, such as blankets or pillows, for babies under one year of age. Instead, opt for a sheet, a light sleeping bag, or sleep clothes appropriate for room temperature. When your child is older and can safely use blankets and pillows, choose age-appropriate bedding that is properly tucked and does not pose a suffocation risk.

  • Fix the bed to the wall or floor if it is a model with climbing rails. So you can prevent the structure from tipping over during active games when children climb onto the handrails. For fixation, you can use appropriate fasteners or brackets. This is an additional step for protection because Montessori beds are immediately designed in such a way as to have a strong and stable structure, and their use is permissible even without being attached to the floor or walls.

Safety in the children's room

Create a safe sleeping environment by freeing the room from potential hazards. Remove any small, sharp, fragile objects or cords that may present a pinch, cut, or tripping hazard. Use cord organizers to keep cords out of reach, secure furniture drawers, and use safety gates to limit access to potentially hazardous areas if necessary.

Electrical sockets and cords

Ensure electrical outlets near the bed are covered with protective caps or outlet covers to prevent accidental electric shock or injury. To avoid potential entanglement hazards, keep cords from blinds, curtains, or electronics out of reach of children.

Regular security checks

Periodically inspect the crib and its components for signs of wear, loose screws, or damage. Ensure the handrails, mattress, and bedding are in good condition and free of potential hazards. Regular safety checks help maintain a safe sleeping environment for your child.


Protecting the room from potential dangers further increases the safety of your child. This is not superfluous, but necessary vigilance to give you peace while your child enjoys his new crib.

Smooth Transitions: From Crib to Toddler Bed

The transition to a children's bed promotes the development of independence, self-reliance, and a sense of ownership in your child. When you notice that your child is ready to transition from a cradle to a regular bed, use this moment to organize this transition on time and with minimal stress for the little one.

At first, it may be difficult, but in a few days, the child will be much more comfortable and calmer sleeping in a separate bed. Having experienced more space, freedom, independence, and comfort, children no longer want to return to the cradle. But for everything to be successful, you will have to choose the right bed, make the room as safe as possible, and also be patient and ready to support the child at this stage of growing up.

Each transition experience to a separate bed is unique because children have different preferences, temperaments, and growth environments. Therefore, we offer only general and universal advice. And then, we suggest you rely on parental intuition and follow the pace that will be convenient for your family.


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