Tips for Transitioning from a Crib to a Toddler Bed: Making the Change Smooth and Safe

Tips for Transitioning from a Crib to a Toddler Bed: Making the Change Smooth and Safe

Transitioning from a crib to a separate bed is a rather complex stage for both the child and the parents. However, you can turn this process into a fairy tale and make it enjoyable.

When can the child transition from a crib to a regular bed?

The most important thing is to understand when the child is psychologically ready for the transition to a separate bed. This moment is not the same for everyone, so you should observe your baby's development pace and decide when you see all the signs that the child is ready.

Physical readiness

Up to 18 months, a child learns to sit, stand, walk, and run independently. When all these skills are developed, the baby will start trying to climb out of the crib. This is the time when they are physically ready to sleep in a separate bed. It is essential that the new bed is safe, close to the floor, or completely on the floor, and has side rails to prevent accidental falls and injuries during sleep.

Psychological readiness

The child should be able to understand and perceive the transition as something positive and interesting. If, during a conversation, the child becomes interested in the idea of having a better bed than a crib and is even willing to choose the design of the new sleeping place with you, it's a great moment to start. You can create a good and pleasant atmosphere around this process: discuss how it will happen, answer all the child's questions, explain why it will be more comfortable and enjoyable, and so on.

Don't rush to do everything in one day; it will likely take some time for the child to adapt and get used to it. Be prepared to support the child on this path, show maximum understanding and warmth, and let the child know that you are there for them.

Choosing a Crib for an Infant

The main criterion for choosing a crib is safety. The crib should be sturdy, stable, made of natural materials, and equipped with side rails to prevent the baby from rolling out.

The crib for an infant should also be practical and functional. Consider models that offer adjustable lengths to adapt to your child's growth and maximize comfort. You can choose options with bars and ladders for climbing and fun games. This will help the baby associate the crib with pleasant and exciting adventures, making the transition easier.

Creating a Safe Environment for an Easy Transition to a Regular Bed

The transition from a crib to a regular bed will happen sooner or later, so it's essential to prepare not only for the safety of the bed but also for a comfortable and cozy environment around it.

How to prepare for the transition from a crib to a regular bed:

The first step is, of course, choosing a regular bed. For children who have outgrown their cribs, it's a good idea to consider bed models that allow the child to get in and out independently, promoting independence and motor skills development.

In addition to selecting the right bed, there are other tips to help your child prepare for the transition. One is establishing a comfortable sleep routine. Try to create a clear sleep schedule and surround it with enjoyable rituals for the child. These rituals could include bedtime stories, lullabies, hugs, and conversations – anything that triggers positive emotions in the child.

Choose the bed and beautiful bed linens and toys for the child to sleep with together, hugging them as they drift off. These items should be things your child loves.

Encourage independence and self-sufficiency in other daily routines to make the child feel confident and ready to sleep in a regular bed. Regarding the sleep routine, these tasks can include making the bed, putting on pajamas, choosing the next day's clothes, and maintaining personal hygiene, such as taking a bath and brushing teeth.

Create a peaceful and cozy atmosphere in the child's bedroom: use pleasant colors, personalize the space with wallpaper, children's crafts, and drawings, add decorative lights, and more.

Safety First: How to Organize the Room Space?

When a child transitions to sleeping in a separate bed, one they can use independently without adult assistance, it's essential to ensure the room is free of potential hazards:

  • Show and explain to the child how to use the bed correctly and what not to do, such as jumping off the top rails, etc.
  • Place soft carpets around the bed to provide additional protection in case of a fall.
  • Ensure window guards and socket protectors are in place.
  • Remove any furniture or equipment from the room with small parts or sharp corners. Also, keep electrical devices that could pose a danger to the child out of reach.

How to Help the Child Adapt to the New Bed?

The transition to a separate bed can be a stressful time, so try to ensure that the child can still use familiar items and toys during this period. Stick to pre-planned sleep and rest routines.

Don't rush to get rid of the crib until the child is entirely comfortable in the new space. You can even place the crib next to the new bed initially, allowing the child to move from one sleeping area to another as they please until they fully adapt to sleeping in the adult bed and give up the crib.

Support the child, communicate with them, and praise them for every achievement, whether they slept the entire nap or night in the new bed, decorated it with toys, or made the bed themselves, etc. The main goal is to create pleasant, positive associations with the new bed.

Take your time, give the child space, and this transition will become smooth and enjoyable for everyone.

Products and accessories to facilitate the transition to an adult bed: tips from

To make the adjustment to a new bed more comfortable, certain accessories can come in handy:

  • Soft bed rail guards. There are various opinions regarding the use of textile bed rails, but they can add comfort, protect against accidental bumps into the bed's side rails, and even be combined with organizers for storing your child's favorite treasures.
  • Some beds come with top bars that preschoolers use for climbing, playing, and decorating. However, with their help and the use of a canopy, you can transform the bed into a fun playhouse where your child can have an enjoyable and imaginative time.
  • Choose bedding with your child's favorite patterns or colors. This helps create a familiar and comfortable atmosphere in the new bed.
  • Select children's blankets and pillows that are suitable for your child's age and size. They should be lightweight and easy for the child to use independently.

By following this algorithm, the transition to a separate bed will be straightforward, smooth, and not as challenging as it may have seemed at the very beginning.


When is the best time to transition from a crib to a toddler bed?

The ideal age to transition from a crib to a toddler bed is typically between 18-24 months. At this age, the child is independent enough and psychologically ready for such a transition. However, there's no one-size-fits-all answer, as it varies on an individual basis.

How to choose a crib for infants that suits their age and needs?

Choose a crib that has side rails to protect against accidental falls and can adapt to the child's growth. You can also opt for attractive crib options with additions like bars, ladders, and other play elements that transform the crib into a cozy place for entertainment and relaxation.

What safety measures should be taken when transitioning to a new crib?

First and foremost, select a safe crib made of natural materials, sturdy, and suitable for the child's needs and growth. In addition, ensure the room's safety by placing soft rugs around the crib and installing window and electrical socket guards. Check that all items in the room are childproof, and remove sharp corners and small objects.

How to help a child adapt and comfort them during the transition?

A child's sleep routine and rituals are essential. Create a cozy atmosphere, read bedtime stories, sing lullabies, and hug the child. Don't rush to get rid of the child's crib; consider the possibility of placing it next to the new bed.

What useful accessories and products can be used to ease the transition from a crib to a toddler bed?

Some useful accessories include soft crib rail guards, textile organizers for baby essentials, and crib blankets and pillows suitable for the child's age. These items help create a comfortable and safe atmosphere in the new bed.

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